Candidate Emin Eddie Egriu Opposes Proposed Pay Raise for Buffalo Common Council
Buffalo, NY - Emin Eddie Egriu, a candidate for the Ellicott District Council, is taking a stand against the proposed pay raise for members of the Buffalo Common Council. Egriu's firm opposition and commitment to donating the additional salary if elected showcase his dedication to the community's needs. As the Buffalo Common Council prepares to vote on the raise, Egriu's leadership and call for unity among candidates emphasize his commitment to positive change in the Ellicott District.
"From Neglect to Triumph: Paving the Path to Progress in Buffalo"
Community leaders in Buffalo, NY have issued a call to action to transform the neglected East side of the city into a thriving district, with a focus on the Jefferson Ave. corridor. The initiative aims to provide a better future for the children of Buffalo by resurrecting Homestead Park, investing in businesses, eradicating crime, and elevating the quality of life for all. With a sense of urgency, the leaders believe it is time to empower the community and pave the path to progress in Buffalo.
Emin Eddie Egriu Announces Campaign for Ellicott District Council
Emin Eddie Egriu announces his candidacy for the Ellicott District Council in Buffalo. He aims to remove leaded underground water pipes, promote affordable housing, fight the opioid pandemic, improve quality of life, fight crime and illegal drugs, and create better and easier ways of getting permits for home owners and contractors. He also plans to fully fund the police and fire departments, and ensure that the Public Works department has enough equipment for efficient snow removal. Egriu is committed to bringing real change to the district and promoting equity, justice, and opportunity for all.
Local businessman and former Democratic congressional candidate, Emin Eddie Egriu, announces his candidacy for Council in the Ellicott District of Buffalo. Egriu aims to promote policies that promote equity, justice, and opportunity for all, and revitalize the heart of his community by bringing back local businesses and promoting growth and prosperity.
Breaking the Cycle of Injustice: Ellicott district candidate Eddie Egriu calls for change in electoral system
"Advocate for a fair election takes legal action against fraudulent activity in ballot placement, but expresses no desire to punish the community and wants to move forward for the sake of democracy."
Brian Higgins fears facing voters due to his 35-year record of failure. He hired an investigator and created a fake website to attack his opponent. Finally, the media did a story on the campaign, and it's game on! Buffalo knows Brian is a tool of his special interest donors. His only claim to fame is the waterfront, but his opponent will expose his failures on this issue. It's time for the people to wake up and hold their reps accountable.
Brian Higgins is afraid to talk about his 35-year record of failure and has launched false and negative attacks on Eddie Egriu instead. Buffalo is struggling after years of neglect and special interest handouts by Brian. Eddie Egriu is a small businessman and community activist running to give voters a choice for better leadership.
I'm pushing to fix hazardous leaded water pipes affecting 40k+ homes in Buffalo. Opponent only directed 0.67% of 1.5B to fix 1k homes. When elected, I'll relocate 14% of funds to fix all leaded pipes in district.